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Supportive Services

Coordinator: Dimitris Moschonas

Counseling Meetings: this is a limited number of meetings (one-two), aiming to deal with a specific problem, whether it concerns the interested individual or a member of his / her family, etc.

Follow-up: meetings with formerly treated patients who, while having completed the psychotherapeutic procedure, occasionally still require encouraging or pharmaceutical support.

Family Meetings: concurrently with treating the interested individual, we schedule meetings with the family, either for information purposes or in order to redefine the therapeutic goals.

Pharmacotherapy: Systematic monitoring and control of the medication prescribed to the patient.

Shifts: in addition to the working days and hours of operation for the OPC, there are also scheduled shifts for dealing with emergencies concerning the patients.

Last update of this article: 10/18/2022
1 S. HARALAMPI & MAVROMICHALI STR. ATHENS 114 72 / Τ. +30.210.6435980 - +30.210.6447533 / F. +30.210.6445140 // Copyright © Α.Ψ.Κ. 2011. All rights reserved.