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Psychotherapy - Sociotherapy

Psychotherapy - Sociotherapy

Depending on the nature of the problem and the diagnostic assessment, a course of treatment is proposed for the child, the parental couple, the family or combinations of the above.

Psychotherapy for Children and Adolescents

Individual Psychotherapy: Meetings that include specific techniques with a specialized therapist

Children's Group Psychotherapy (Socio-therapeutic groups): these include the use of group methods combined with expressive and creative activities (games, painting, music-kinetic, psychodrama, etc.). The groups are coordinated by specialized therapists and are for children facing developmental, behavioral, learning or adapting difficulties or disorders.

Psychodrama for Adolescents: These groups combine group dynamic with psychodramatic process (acting out of life situations, conflicts, etc.) with the purpose of learning and assuming roles and of strengthening relationships with their peers. Psychodramatic groups are always coordinated by two experienced therapists and are aimed at adolescents who face adapting, behavior and interaction difficulties or disorders.

Last update of this article: 3/15/2020
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