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Articles (1980 - 2000)

Kokkinidis, A. 1988. "A Therapeutic Community in the Greek Navy". International Joumal of Therapeutic Communities, Vol. 9,4, p.p. 299- 306.

Tsegos, I.K., 1993. "Strength, Power and Group Analysis". Group Analysis, Vol. XXVI, 1993.

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Tsegos, I.K., 1993.  "The Necessity of an Enemy". Heidelberg, Proceedings of the 9th European Symposium in Group Analysis, p.p. 402-411.

Tsegos, I.K., 1995a. "Small, Median and Large Groups in Group Analytic Training. The Training Community of IGA (Athens)". Proceedings of EGATIN Study Days, Ljubljana, October, 1995.

Tsegos I.K., 1995b. "Further Thoughts on Group-Analytic Training". Group Analysis, Vol. 28 (3), p.p. 313-326.

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Tsegos, I.K., 1996a. "Fifty Years of an Amateur Enthusiasm. On the Avoidance of Training and of Professional Identity in T.C." International Journal of Therapeutic Communities, Vol. 17(3): 159-165.

Tsegos, I.K., 1996. "To Mix or Not to Mix. Ube die Gruppen-analytische. Therapy der Kandidatinnen in Rahmen ihrer Ausbildung". Arbeitschefte Gruppen-analyse, 1/96: 65-78.

Κokkinidis, A., Giftopoulou, E., Korfiati, K. 1997. "The Features of the Community Meeting in a Daily Psychotherapeutic Community". International Journal of Therapeutic Communities, Vol. 18 (3), p.p. 183-194.

Last update of this article: 3/12/2012
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